Economic Impact Analyses

Serecon has calculated the economic impact of various agriculture, food, and related industries and corresponding subsectors. These include pork, potatoes, horse racing, agricultural research, as well as complete agri-food industries. It is critically important to our clients that the reported economic impacts are concise, include transparent methods, and are readily updated to summarize trends in industry activity.
Modelling economic impacts requires industry output (sales) or inputs (expenditures) data to undertake appropriate Input-Output modelling and estimate provincial or national economic impacts. Reported impacts include the metrics of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), Employment (Full-time Equivalent, total number, and income), Total Output, and Tax Revenues. Serecon has proven experience developing these models and populating them with reliable data that reflect the economic relationships between agri-food industries and those industries providing inputs. We leverage our knowledge and extensive set of contacts in all elements of the agriculture and food systems to accurately summarize the most appropriate economic impacts.
Contact: Economic Impact Analyst or 780-448-7440 / 403-216-2100